How Long Does it Take to Become a Detective

Career advancement moves through some stages. This means you will be expected to have more education, qualification, and experience as compared to other people in the same rank. How long does it take to become a detective officer? Well, it will take a lot of time and hard work. There are some stages you need to go through in order to get the certification. In precise, a detective officer is a police officer who has been promoted from one rank to others due to their exemplary skills in solving crimes. To reach up to the rank of being a detective, an individual is expected to have gone through the detective university to acquire good education and experience. The role of detectives is to investigate, collect evidence, write reports, interview suspects as well as witnesses, arrest suspects and testify at the trial courts. Detective position has some area of specializations such as homicides, traffic accidents, narcotics, and internal affairs. You can become a detective according to the area of your choice and experience.… Read more “How Long Does it Take to Become a Detective”